Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Prayer Journey

My Prayer Journey
Su Sorenson

ImageOver the past ten years I have had the privilege and honor of praying for others during my daily devotions. I have been in prayer groups and on prayer chains throughout my adult life, but ten years ago I began my own personal devotional and prayer life. It actually came about out of my own busy life and my inability to join or organize a Bible Study at our church in Bemidji. So, in July of 2004 I went out and bought a Life Application Study Bible and began reading through the Bible. I would have some quiet time each afternoon to read a couple chapters, do some journaling, and then have prayers for myself and my family. I found myself grounded and at peace as I started a new position at school in the fall as the director of the middle school alternative program. There I spent my days with the toughest and neediest students in the building. And soon I found myself praying over each one of them, often times in tears. I prayed for my students who were living in the middle of alcohol and drug abuse, students raising younger brothers and sisters, students attempting suicide, students living with HIV, and students with no hope. I prayed as we celebrated successes together and talked about a future. I felt God had placed me in my position so I could pray for the kids.

ImageThroughout my prayer time I would of course pray for any other friend or family member who came to mind. Those who were celebrating life or mourning a loss or in need of healing. One Wednesday night I was a guest speaker at confirmation, to share my own faith story. At the end I asked the confirmation students and leaders to write down any prayer requests they may have and I would pray for them for the next month. The response was awesome. I prayed for science tests, friendships, loneliness, hurting families and our church. I was mostly affected by my own feelings of complete honor as I prayed for each child and adult. About six months later Stacey, one of the leaders, said after church, “I don’t worry about anything anymore because I know Su is praying for me.” Wow! I was completely unaware of the impact my praying was having on other lives.

ImageThen I found out what it feels like to have others pray for me and my family. After Ivar’s accident I was unable to pray. I had no words. I had no thoughts. Yet I was at peace. Others were lifting us in prayer and putting us into the strong arms of Jesus. I know because I felt those arms holding me and healing me.

My daily devotion and prayer time continued, even as I moved and my life situations changed. During the past couple of years at the Women’s Retreat, I have had the chance to ask for prayer requests. And I have had the honor of praying for my Resurrection family. As I pray and see you in front of me, I am lifting you up into Jesus arms. Jesus is holding your children, your aging parents, your broken marriages, your lost jobs and uncertain futures. Jesus is celebrating with you over new life, new opportunities, new challenges, and hope for the future. Thank you, thank you, thank you for allowing me to lift you into those arms of peace, power and healing.

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