Thursday, September 18, 2014

You are Invited!

I read recently that the average young adult uses their smart phone 53 times each day to tweet, text, email, facebook, or snapchat their friends. We are unbelievably connected to each other through electronic media! In fact, a phone is critical for this generation to build 21st century friendships. What would happen to our relationships without a phone?

The flip side of our connectedness is that we are rarely alone with our thoughts.  Watch anyone waiting somewhere and you are bound to find them staring at or talking on their phone.   

One relationship that requires no phone but does require our intentional communication is our relationship with our Creator and Savior.

The Bible calls us to “Be still and know that I am God.”  (Psalm 46:10)  God seeks a relationship with you but may not overwhelm you with His presence.  Prayer then is a gift for us.  Perhaps prayer, like a smart phone to our friends, is our connection to God.

Through times of prayer we can come to know God. 

That alone, is an awesome thought!

What would happen to our relationship with God if we regularly engage in prayer?

Through prayer we can grow in our knowledge of God’s love and grace.  We can begin to learn how He is uniquely calling you and me to be His people in this world – to both rest in His grace and to “go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19)

This coming week, we ask you to take time each day for a few moments in the morning, at noon, and near the end of your day to join the members of Resurrection Lutheran Church in prayer.  A devotion will be sent to you each day.  You can pray at home, at work, along your commute, at lunch, and at dinner with family. You can pray the following prayer for Resurrection:
Lord Jesus, thank you for your steadfast love for our family and our congregation.  We ask that you would clearly lead Resurrection Lutheran Church into the future you want us to have.  Guide us to be your church for people far into the future. You grace us and call us to a vibrant life of faith in Christ, a life we are asked to share with others.  Take away our fear and give us courage and strength to trust that you go with us. Holy Spirit, give us ears to hear your voice, give us eyes to see your path, and give us faith to follow you. (pause for silence and listening) In Jesus' name. Amen.

You are also invited to meet at the church at 6:30 am, noon and 6:30 pm for prayer, and to be part of the Prayer Retreat on Saturday, September 27 from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm at church.

How is God calling you in prayer?

Written by: Brian Jordahl

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