Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Joy of Serving

Listen. Many who have worshipped at Resurrection have joyfully listened to Roger Olsen share his gift of music as longtime pianist with the worship team. Others are strengthened when Roger listens, in his career as a psychologist. In both settings, Roger has tapped into his God-given talents, finding joy in his serving. He writes about this below, to help us all consider how we are gifted. Later this month, hear more about spiritual gifts at Resurrection in an upcoming Sunday message and through a new gifts survey, raising up the ways God has gifted you. 

I have participated in the music ministries at Resurrection Lutheran Church for many years. Being involved in the music ministries and worship was my first way to be involved in the church. While I find enjoyment and fulfillment in sharing the musical gifts that God has given me in our worship services, I think what has been the most significant value of being involved in the music team has been the sense of connection it has given me to other members of the church congregation. I have been a member at other churches where I have not been as involved in the church and it was difficult to find a way to be more connected with other members. I have continued to participate in the music ministries because of the connection I feel with the other members of the musical team.

In my work as a psychologist I know the value of interpersonal relationships in mental health. People are biologically wired to need social connections. Research has shown that even with feeding and physical care, infants will not survive without being attached to a parent.  This need for attachment continues throughout life. When people feel alone and isolated they suffer both mentally and physically. One of the benefits of psychotherapy for most people is that this process leads to stronger relationships with friends and family, but clients also usually experience increased social connections with people in their lives. We need to be connected to others as human beings. For me, being involved in Resurrection’s various ministries is a great way to find that connectedness to others, as well as being able to serve God using the strengths that he has provided for me. 

I have chosen playing piano as the way that I serve God through our church because I feel that music is a particular strength that I have been given. Going through a self-examination process, independently or in community, to identify spiritual gifts can be very helpful in finding out personal strengths. Luckily, Resurrection offers such resources in various formats, including a link to a helpful questionnaire on the church website called the Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tool. You may want to begin an exploration of spiritual gifts by going through this assessment.
Participating in a service opportunity that utilizes my strengths has made my involvement much more rewarding. While I am also involved in other ways in our church, I find more enjoyment and satisfaction in being involved through my strength in music. I think that we do find more enjoyment in serving and are more effective when we understand our own personal strengths and use those strengths in serving God.

Written by: Roger Olsen

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